Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (2019-2023)

Integrative Human Historical Science of "Out of Eurasia"
Exploring the Mechanisms of the Development of Civilization



This year, we have conducted the following meetings mainly through Zoom.

The 1st meeting of A01 (16 Jun. 10:00-12:00)
Go Matsumoto "Excavations of the Great Plaza at Huacas de Sican and Landscape Analysis"
Comment: Atsushi Yamamoto

The 2nd meeting of A01 (23 Jun. 16:00-18:00)
Nobuyuki Ito "A Study of the Creation of Urban Landscape in Mesoamerica"
Comment: Saburo Sugiyama

The 3rd meeting of A01 (8 Aug. 10:00-12:00)
Toru Yamaguchi "Landscape History of Intertwined Humans and Nature: Atoll Islands of Oceania"
Comment: Akira Goto

The 2nd meeting of A03 (27 Jun. 10:00-12:00)
Mitsuhiko Okayasu "Review of the ‘Asiatic Warfare Complex'"
Naoto Teramae "The Use and Display of Weapons in the Yayoi and Kofun Periods"

The 3rd meeting of A03 (2 Aug. 9:30-12:00)
Akira Ichikawa "Warfare in the Mesoamerica"
Takehiko Matsugi "Warfare in the Prehistoric Japanese Archipelago"

The 4th meeting of A03 (30 Aug. 9:30-13:00)
Tatsuya Hashimoto "Kofun-period Arms, Armor, and Warfare within East Asian Society"
Shinya Watanabe "Warfare and Rituals: The Case of the Ancient Andes"
Kenichiro Tsukamoto "The El Palmar Dynasty in the Warfare between Ancient Mayan Dynasties (A.D. 378- 738)"

The 1st meeting of A02 (15 Jun. 15:00-17:00)
Makiko Kuwabara "Transmission and Change in Marquesas-style Tattoos"
Comment: Tomo Ishimura

The 2nd meeting of A02 (6 July 15:00-17:00)
Yuichiro Kudo “The Origins of Lacquer Culture in Japan and ‘Out of Eurasia’”
Comment: Naoko Matsumoto

The 3rd meeting of A02 (10 Aug. 15:00-17:00)
Shigeru Kabata "Materiality of Urbanism in Ancient Mexico: Dominating the Space and the Universe"
Comment: Yuichi Matsumoto and Yoshifumi Ueno

The 1st meeting of B01 (18 May 13:00-15:00)
Takuya Soma "Sustainable Resilience of Nomadic Herder Communities Examined from Traditional Indigenous Knowledge as 'The Law of the Grassland'"
Comment: Tetsuya Inamura

The 2nd meeting of B01 (23 May 15:00-17:00)
Msahiro Umezaki "Nutritional Adaptation of Austronesians Who Moved into Remote Oceania"
Comment: Kazuhiro Suda

The 3rd meeting of B01 (1 Jun 13:00-15:00)
Presenter: Masanori Goto "Native domestic animals and the concept of natural environment in Sakha (Yakutia)"
Comment: Keiichi Omura

The 4th meeting of B01 (6 Jun 13:00-15:00)
Yuki Furukawa "Anthropological Research on Landscape and Environmental Development in the Mountain Village, Northern Peru - Analysis from Mapping of Emotion"
Comment: Hironao Kawai

C01's 3D measurements: See fieldwork.

International meeting "Monuments, Art, and Human Body: Out of Eurasia" was held at Teotihuacan, Mexico, from 27 to 28 Feb. Over 40 researchers joined from Japan, Mexico, and USA. (Picture1 / Picture2)

International forum "Foro de Arqueologiva Cognitiva; Momentos, Arte, y Cuerpo Humano, afuera de Eurasia. Monumentos y tumbas como lugar de memoria social" was held at Mexico. Over 80 people joined. (Pitucre1 / Picture2)

Symposium "Theory and practice of 3D measurement and geometric morphometrics of artificial remains" was held at Kyushu University at 25 Jan. (Picture1 / Picture2 / Picture3 / Picture4)
The 2nd conference of the project was held at Nanzan University at 11 -12 Jan. (Picture1 / Picture2 / Picture3 / Picture4 / Picture5 / Picture6 / Picture7)
International Workshop "Early Civilizations from the Viewpoints of the Northeast Eurasian Prehistory: A New Perspective" was successfully finished. (Picture 1 / Picture 2)
  MORPH2019 was held at Tohoku University. The leader of the project and members of A02, A03, and C01 made presentations.
A meeting of A03 and A02 was held at Okayama University.
  We held a kick-off meeting at Okayama University and a closed meeting at BIZEN Central and South American Museum. (Picture 1 / Picture 2 / Picture 3 / Picture 4 / Picture 5 / Picture 6)
  We co-hosted an experimental aesthetics symposium "On beauty: philosophical and psychological considerations to the empirical study of aesthetics" at Keio University.
A meeting of the steering committee was held at Okayama University.
A meeting of C01 was held at Shinagawa station.
We held a meeting of the steering committee at the Tokyo office of Okayama University. (Picture)